There is no doubt that Social Media is now a huge part of our marketing strategy - especially in the millennial generation. We are the generation people turn their heads to in the middle of a meeting when a question arises about Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. We receive that look of "you know the answer to this one, right?". There is a level of expectancy that WE ARE SOCIAL MEDIA and that surely WE MUST KNOW the answer to the query that has arisen.
The simple fact is - we don't always know the answer! I work as a Social Media & Digital Marketing Manager at SoolNua in the meetings & events industry and even though I work on social media platforms everyday, I don't always know the answer either. Social Media platforms are ever evolving and it can be hard to keep up!
Over a series of 4 short blog posts, I am going to share some tips on a subject that we can all relate to - event hashtag trending. These tips are based on my experience of running social media campaigns for a variety of events in the industry that have trended online - from something as small as a meeting of 80 people to a conference of over 1,000.
Part 1: Timing.
Twitter can be a busy place at different times of the day or on specific days of the week. If your event is looking to leverage social media and bring the conversation outside the room, ask yourself the following questions to help inform your tweet timing: